Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted. Our lives have been kinda busy and I seem to have lost track of time. Here's what's been going on in our family the last 5 months.
Warning: Very long post.
Ayden having fun outside.

Drawing with chalk in the driveway. There's more on him then on the ground.

We took Ayden to a local farm for Clifton Park's Farm Fest and ran into his best friend, Celia.

He tells me all the time how much he loves her.

Petting the goats.

This fall we signed him up for Soccer Tots. He absolutely loves it.

Kicking the ball.

We took the children to a local nursery where they were having kids day. Ayden loved petting the baby chicks.

But his favorite part was the horse ride.

Uncle Marcus had a show in Albany and he came to visit. We had tons of fun with him.

Observing a fuzzy caterpillar.

And we had a great time when Grammie and Pop pop came to visit for the weekend. We took advantage of the fall colors and cool weather by taking a trip to the farm to pick apples.

The next day we went to a place that had a bouncy pillow.

And a pumpkin patch.

My sweet kiddos!!

At then end of the month we had our friends, the Moses', over to carve pumpkins. Ayden was very excited to dig out the seeds.

But then decided it was very gross and was done with it.

Jessica's cannibal pumpkin.

In between the Halloween fun we were busy making messes.

Celebrating Halloween as Luke Skywalker and Cinderella.

Nana bought Abby a cute little sweater hat set. She loved the dolls sewn on them.

We were blessed to spend Thanksgiving with Grammie and Pop pop in Maryland. Here is a family picture taken right before we went to dinner.

At the Golden Bull for dinner. Oy-vey, when's dinner going to start!!

We had fun at dinner with Emah and Pop. Aunt Anne and the Cotler's drove down from New Jersey and it was nice to catch up with them.

Abigail loved cousin Samantha.

She thought Grammie was pretty great, too.

Beth and Hal came bearing Hanukah gifts. Ayden got a cool doctor's kit.

And Abigail got a sweet little bunny.

Emah was sweet and threw a Birthday party for Abby's 1st birthday.

The cake definitely won. Her hair was frosted stiff.

And Aunty Lisa drove in from West Virginia to help celebrate. Here she is sporting the Strawberry Shortcake sunglasses.

Another great thing that happened in November was Justin passing his CIH exam. He studied for a whole year and we are very proud of him.

Having fun in the cold and the snow after a horse and buggy ride.

And Ayden had fun singing Christmas carols with the other kids at our ward Christmas party.

This is actually the last time we got a decent amount of snow.

For Christmas this year we drove out to Ohio. This is at Aunt Brooke's work Christmas party. Ayden and his cousin AJ posing with Santa and Mrs. Claus.

And doing crafts.

And what a treat it was for my Papa to stop by. This was the first time he met Abigail.

We also took a drive back to the town where I grew up to see my Grandmother.
Ayden and AJ posing.

Having fun with Great Grandma!!

Nana took all of us to the Science Center in Cleveland.

Me, Aunt Jenny, Abby, Nana, AJ, Ayden, Uncle Jake, Uncle Jason, and Ashley
waiting for the Bubble Man demonstration.

Driving a Mars Rover.

Learning about static electricity.

Christmas Eve. The first time my dad and his brothers and sisters have all been together in 8 or 9 years.

Family photo with my grandparents.

One with Brooke and her kids.

We stayed with my mom and stepdad, Dave for a couple days. Here is what we came downstairs to Christmas morning. Thanks for the pretty decorations, Dave. I mean, Santa!!

Giving Dahlia one last hug before we go.

Spending time at Grandma Sallie's house for Christmas breakfast. Ayden loved hanging out with Dave. He was his mini me.

Sitting on Grandma Sallie's lap.

Christmas dinner at Brooke's house. Jason and Jenny smiling for the camera.

Opening presents yet again. This time from Nana and the Aunts and Uncles.

Rooting for the Redskins even though they weren't very good this year.

And building forts.

Lots of hugs.

And lots of smiles.

And one more visit from Pop pop.

We have been very blessed being able to see all our family and some friends here and there. Hopefully the rest of 2010 will be just as fun!!